Herbal Wisdom: The Path of Natural Healing |
The Herbalists Social Lounge | | Forum | Threads | Replies | Updates |
The Lounge
Here anyone can post about anything they like, as long as it is respectful of all people and things.
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The Zen Garden
You may unload all of your worries and troubles here, seek advice and guidance, Therapists beware!
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For Newbies Only
Here newbies and beginners can talk amongst themselves where they can feel comfortable sharing with people at their skill level.
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For Novices Only
Here Novices and Intermediate herbalists may socialize and talk amongst themselves, able to feel comfortable sharing with others at their level.
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For Masters Only
Here Advanced Herbalists may talk amongst themselves and feel comfortable sharing with people at their level. Yes I know Master sounds pretentious, but get over it, it's just a word.
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The Herbalists Debate Hall
Here herbalists may start, participate, and end debates on various topics.
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